Welby Way Charter Elementary and Gifted-High Ability Magnet Home


Sep 11

Patriot's Day Assembly

Time: 8:15 AM – 8:45 AM
Location: Big Yard

Sep 12

LSLC/Governance Orientation/Elections via zoom

Time: 3 PM – 4 PM
Location: Zoom

Sep 17

POWW Meeting

Time: 8 AM – 9:30 AM

Sep 18

5th Grade Parent Middle School/Pali Meeting via zoom

Time: 6 PM – 7 PM
Location: Zoom

Sep 19

Charter/Magnet Tour

Time: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM

Sep 30

News & Announcements

Sept 2

Weekly News #4 - August 2 - 6, 2024

I hope you are all having a wonderful 4 day weekend.  Please remember there will be no school tomorrow, Monday for Labor Day.   School will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd with regular 1:30 pm dismissal.
aug 26

Weekly News #3 - August 26

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend as we prepare for two 4 day weeks this week and next.  There will be no school this Friday for Admission’s Day and Monday for Labor Day.   School will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd with regular 1:30 pm dismissal.
Aug 19

Weekly News #2 - August 19

I hope you are all having a positive weekend as we just completed our first week of school. It was wonderful to see the children's smiling faces as they came through the gate each morning and smiles at the end of the day. They did a great job learning their new routines and for our older students they smoothly stepped right back into their regular routines.
first day icon

News for the Week of August 12-16, 2024

I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend and staying cool as we prepare for our first day of the 2024 – 2025 school year tomorrow morning.  It was wonderful to see so many of you at Friday’s Back to School event as I look forward to continuing to meet everyone in the next few days as we work together to do what is best for your child.

Tour of Welby Way

Our Mission

At Welby Way, students are passionate about learning. We strive to inspire students to seek deep, meaningful understanding; to develop strong academic skills adaptable to the needs of the 21st century; become creative, critical, and independent thinkers; cultivate perseverance, initiative, responsibility, and respect and establish a growth mindset, habits of mind, and scholarly behavior.

At A Glance

  • 750 Students
  • 32 Teachers
  • 96% Attendance Rate
  • 84% Met or Exceeded Standards in SBAC ELA
  • 83% Met or Exceeded Standards in SBAC MATH