Welby Way Charter Elementary and Gifted-High Ability Magnet Home



News & Announcements


Weekly News #23 - February 10th - 14th, 2025

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!  I apologize for calling in the middle of the game as I hope your team is winning and you are enjoying time with family and friends watching the game.  If you are not a football fan, may you be enjoying a peaceful evening with no football.
news for feb. 4

Weekly News #22 - February 3rd - 7th, 2025

I hope you are having a wonderful and safe weekend.   I truly want to thank the many families who donated art supplies this last week to support those children who attend the Palisades Recreational Center and suffered a great loss with the recent fires.
jan 27

Weekly News #21 - January 27-31, 2025

I hope your weekend has been pleasant and relaxing with the much welcomed rain.  I truly want to thank the families who have donated art supplies (crayons, art paper, markers, and small scissors) to the main office.
jan 21

Weekly News #20 - January 21-24, 2025

I hope you are all having a wonderful three day weekend and everyone continues to be safe and well. Reminder that there is no school tomorrow, Monday the 20th, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as we pay respect to him and his pursuit of equality for all.  School will resume on Tuesday with regular Tuesday 1:30 pm dismissal as we prepare for a busy week ahead.

An Important Message From Mrs. DaCorsi

We will return to school on Monday, Jan. 13 for regular instruction and schedules. We will be on a full inclement weather schedule which limits outdoor and athletics activities. Masks will also be provided for those who prefer to wear them.

Tour of Welby Way

Our Mission

At Welby Way, students are passionate about learning. We strive to inspire students to seek deep, meaningful understanding; to develop strong academic skills adaptable to the needs of the 21st century; become creative, critical, and independent thinkers; cultivate perseverance, initiative, responsibility, and respect and establish a growth mindset, habits of mind, and scholarly behavior.


  • Blue Ribbon
  • Distinction Award
  • MSA Award

At A Glance

  • 750 Students
  • 32 Teachers
  • 96% Attendance Rate
  • 84% Met or Exceeded Standards in SBAC ELA
  • 83% Met or Exceeded Standards in SBAC MATH