News for the Week of September 25-29

School resumes on Tuesday with regular Tuesday dismissal at 1:30 pm.

5th Grade Coffee with the Principal:  On October 2nd the eChoices application window opens to apply for magnet and charter schools for next school year .  Please join me for Coffee and Goodies with the Principal on Tuesday, Sept. 26th at 8:30 am to meet staff members from Hale and Lawrence Middle School as they explain their programs and opportunities for your children for middle school.  I hope to see you there.

POWW Restaurant Night:  Come out and help support Welby Way by stopping by Sharkey's on Topanga Canyon Blvd. from 11 am - 8:00 pm on Wednesday, Sept. 27th.  This will save you from having to make dinner for your family and support our school.  A flier will be sent out the day prior.  

Social Emotional Learning Parent Workshop:  On Thursday, Sept. 28th at 8:30 am in the library come join us for a parent workshop with our parent representative Laura Klein and SEL District representative about Social Emotional Learning (SEL): Introduction to the LAUSD SEL Competencies.  Join in to learn why Social Emotional Learning is so important in developing the whole child.

After School Orchestra Class:  This Friday following dismissal our After School Orchestra program will begin in the music room.   There is still time to sign up if your child is interested.  Website information is posted in front of the school and fliers are in the office.  

iAttend:  The district and I are closely looking at all student attendance to ensure all students are in school each day and on time.   At this time if your child has more than 3 absences, they are considered Chronically Absent especially if they continue to have additional absences throughout the school.   If your child falls into this category, this week I will be reaching out and visiting the homes of those families.  I ask that please do your best to make doctor appointments after school, plan vacations during school breaks (these are considered unexcused absences, work will not be provided, and can impact your child's grades), and work to prepare for school the night before so your child is in school on time.  Thank you for your time and efforts with this.

I hope you all continue to have a lovely weekend and evening.   I continue to thank you for your support and the gift of your child.  This is all for now.  

Your Welby Way Principal,

Mrs. DaCorsi
