Governance Council/LSLC
The Local School Leadership Council (LSLC) is a shared decision-making body, composed of elected parents, community members, school faculty & staff. The LSLC/Charter Governance Council works cooperatively to make decisions in these areas of the school program:
- School calendar
- Instructional Initiatives
- Professional development schedule
- Budget for instructional materials/Charter Block Grant
- School-Wide Positive Behavior Support Plan
- New Personnel
If you are interested in being part of our SSC/Governance Council who meets once a month at 3:00 pm via zoom to discuss the school budget, school calendar, and district and charter compliance, please be sure to join this week's meeting to learn more. Your time, participation, and input is greatly appreciated!
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 517 366 2641
Passcode: welby
Chairperson - Archana Gedam, parent
Vice-Chairperson - Denise Baker, teacher
Secretary - Farah Hauser, teacher
Parliamentarian - Michael Klein, parent
MEETING AGENDAS for 2024-2024
MEETING MINUTES for 2024-2025