This Week:
GOT GAME SPORTS: Tomorrow we begin our second session of the After School Enrichment GOT GAMES SPORTS for 3rd - 5th grade students who received an acceptance email from me and confirmation email from them. Once we have the confirmed numbers of students attending, we may be able to accept more students from the wait list. This session will focus on soccer and baseball and will be Monday - Friday from 3:00 - 4:30 pm. Following the sessions students will return to their after school program or meet their family at the front gate for pick up. I hope the students enjoy.
Chuck E. Cheese Restaurant Night: Tomorrow from 3:00 - 9:00 pm POWW is hosting restaurant night at the West Hills Chuck E. Cheese. A portion of the proceeds will go back to Welby Way to support our 5th grade activities. Coupons and incentives will be passed out to students prior to the end of the day to bring that evening. I hope to see you there.
Final Spelling Bee: On Tuesday our 3 spelling bee finalist will be competing to be the Welby Way Scripps Spelling Bee finalist. I wish the students the best of luck as I am so very proud of all the students who participated.
Traffic Safety: The safety of our students and families is extremely important to me. Please when dropping off your students and picking them up DO NOT double park, block driveways, stop in the middle of the street to unload or load your child. Also, please STOP at all stop signs so our students can safely cross the street. If we can all follow the traffic rules, our students can arrive at school and go home safely and you will avoid getting a ticket from either school police or LAPD as additional patrol has been requested. Thank you.
I hope you all have a wonderful remainder of the weekend and evening. I thank you for your continued support and the gift of your child. This is all for now.