News from Principal DaCorsi

Good evening Welby Way families,

I hope you are all having a wonderful 3-day weekend and staying dry and safe.  As a reminder there is no school tomorrow is observance of President's Day.  School will resume on Tuesday with 1:30 pm dismissal.

I truly want to THANK the many parents who made this week's Kindness Week possible and so engaging for our students.  They so enjoyed making the positive coffee cup sleeves, bookmarks, watching the Kindness laser show planned and organized by Yael Katzman, and being part of the many fun opportunities for them to spread kinds words and goodness to all throughout the school.

Congratulations to our 5th grade Spelling Bee candidate Reyansh Nayak from Ms. Dang's class who made it all the way to round 5 at the Region North Spelling Bee.  Out of 33 students in total, this is incredible as the 5th round only included 5 or 6 final students.  I am so of his bravery and confidence.

Your Input is Needed and THANK YOU for your time with both of these.  

School Experience Survey:  It is that time again of year again for your input as to how we are doing as a school with your input on the  School Experience Survey.  We are aiming for 100% participation from all families.  Once you complete the survey please submit the confirmation page to the office or your classroom teacher so your child can be entered into a special BeDAZZLE drawing.   You can access the survey using the following link  Thank you for your time and input.

2024 - 25 Budget Needs Assessment:  We are in the process of completing the Welby Way budget for the 2024 -25 school year.  Please take a moment to provide your input using the following link to prioritize the needs of our school.


Spring Lockdown:  On Tuesday morning we will be participating in our Spring Lockdown Drill.  Teachers will be reviewing the emergency drill procedures with students so we are all best prepared in case of an emergency.  During the drill the office will be closed and phones will not be answered.   If you are picking up your child early in the morning, please do so prior to 9:30 am and after 10:30 am.  Thank you.

​Honors Awards Assembly:  On Thursday we have our next Honor’s Awards Assembly - 8:20 am TK - 1st, 8:45 am 4th & 5th, 9:15 am 2nd & 3rd. Teachers will be notifying parents of the children receiving an award.

5th Grade Road to Revolution:  On Friday our 5th grade classes will be participating in their annual Road to Revolution event.   The students have been working extremely hard to prepare for this exciting event.  All participating parent volunteers must be district approved to assist with the rotations.  

Cyber Security:  On Friday we had our School Safety Coffee with the Principal for Cyber Security.  I wanted to share the link below for the presentation as the information shared was extremely important for families to review and discuss as a family to ensure the safety of all our children while using devices at home and school.

Next Saturday:  Please join us for the African American Achievement Summit on Saturday, Feb. 24th at Cleveland High School from 9:00 am - 12:30 pm.  Breakfast is served as of 8:15 am and all are invited to join but please RSVP to attend the event.  More information for registration and details can be found on the attached flier.  Our on 3rd grade Welby Way student, Jolie Kanama will be participating in a special reading during the summit.  I am so proud of her as she represents Welby Way and the diversity and student leadership that exists at our school. 

I hope you have a positive remainder of our 3 day weekend and stay safe and dry.  Thank you for your partnership as this is all for now.
