News for the Week of August 12-16, 2024


Morning Procedures:   All gates will open each day at 7:30 am and school will begin at 8:01 am.  Please plan to arrive a little early tomorrow as the first day of school is often busier than usual. Children may enter school through their assigned gate as noted below and walk to the sign with their teacher's name for their line up area each day on the yard: 

1st Grade & Magnet students arriving on the bus – Enter through the front of the school on Welby Way and walk to the kinder yard.   Previous teachers following the bell will walk students to their 1st grade classrooms.  

**New to Welby Way 1st grade students will go to the auditorium.  These students will be walked to their classroom line following the bell.

2nd & 4th Grade - Enter at the north/east Callicot gate across from the church and on the corner of Welby and Callicot.

3rd & 5th Grade – Enter through the south/east Callicot gate on the corner of Callicot and Kittridge.

****Older siblings may enter through the gate of their younger sibling if needed.

TK/Kindergarten:    On the 1st day  of school all TK and Kinder students will enter the kinder gate as of 8:15 am and will be picked up by their teacher at 8:30am – only on the first day.  TK/Kinder parents will only be permitted to join their child on the kindergarten yard from 8:15 - 8:30 am on the first day of school.  The remainder of the year, TK/Kinder students can enter the kindergarten gate on Lederer as of 7:30 am.

Dismissal - At dismissal students will exit through their assigned gate and will only be released if an adult to present to pick them up unless they are attending after school KYDS or YS.  All YS and KYDS students are picked up at the front gate on Welby Way where Ms. Allison will notify your coach that you have arrived and your child will walk or be walked to the front gate.

2024 – 2025 Calendar of Events - Attached please find the calendar of school events and holidays for the 2024 - 2025 school year.  This includes picture day, parent conferences, reporting periods, and non-school days.  Please be sure to mark your calendars, plan your vacations and appointments on non-school days, and keep a copy in a visible place to access throughout the school year.    Attendance counts as your child learns when in school.  Please plan all vacations and events around our scheduled days off.

POWW will send out updates for school wide events monthly.   You can also visit the Welby Way website for updates at

Welby Way School Policy –  Prior to tomorrow to best prepare your child for a successful 1st day and school year, please take a few minutes to review the attached Welby Way Policy document regarding the following:

-Attendance – our goal is 100% attendance for all as the district and I will be monitoring student attendance regularly along with conducting home visits when needed.

-Cell phone and electronics – allowed during the school day and must be turned off

-Birthday celebrations

-Dress code

-Visitor Policy

-General Code of Conduct

-Playground Expectations

-Bike regulations


-Volunteer Policy

-Drop off & Pick up procedures

Classroom Assignments – Due to the time, consideration, and thought that goes into each child’s classroom assignment from the previous teacher along with the various support staff, classroom room change requests will not be granted.  These assignments are final and each teacher at Welby provides an incredible learning environment for your children.  I thank you for your understanding with this.  

I hope your children are able to get to bed on time and get a good’s night sleep tonight in preparation for a wonderful first week of school.  It is going to be warm this week so please be sure your child brings a labeled water bottle to help them stay hydrated throughout the day.   Once again, I am grateful to be part of the Welby Way family and look forward to working and growing together throughout this school year and years to come.  Have a wonderful evening and this is all for now.

Your Welby Way Principal,

Mrs. DaCorsi

Attached Files
