Weekly News #2 - August 19

Lunch/Food Drop Off and Water Bottles: This week in order to not disrupt instructional time in the classroom and comply with the change in district policy, this school year the office will no longer be accepting late lunch drop off in the office.  If a student forgets their lunch, a cart will be placed outside the office until 9:45 am where families can drop off a lunch with your child's name and/or labeled water bottle.  No lunches will be accepted after 9:45 am.  This cart will be rolled just inside the gate for students to retrieve their lunch or water bottle at recess.  Please remember that all students are able to eat snack and lunch from the cafeteria this school year for free so no student will go unfed.   

Friday, August 23rd - TK/Kinder Ice Cream Social - All TK and Kindergarten families are invited after school this Friday, August 23rd from 2:30 - 3:30 pm with your child to the Ice Cream Social on the kinder yard following dismissal.  This is a wonderful way to meet other families from your child's class and grade along with have a delicious treat while the children play.   Students must be accompanied with an adult to attend.  Please see the attached flier for more information.  

KYDS After School Program:  As shared earlier this week, our after school KYDS program enrollment is at or over capacity with over 100 families on the wait list.  Any families who are enrolled, did not attend the first two days or did not attend at all last week or are only attending for a short period of time after school (meaning you are picking up your child right after the bell or prior to 4:00 pm) will be dropped from the program.  This will require KYDS to let go of staff and turn current students away.  We are also asking that parents not use this program for 1 to 2 days a week and only use the program 5 days a week.  The YS program does not have time or day requirements and is available to all 2nd - 5th grade students.  Many full time working families are needing to enroll in the program but are on the wait list.   Thank you for understanding.

Traffic Safety:  Let’s work together to keep our students and families safe, when dropping off and picking up your student, please do not drop your child off in front of the cones, from the middle of the street and allow them to cross from the opposite curb.  All families must use the cross walk to ensure their safety.  Last school year, there was child hit at another school and I never want that to happen at our school.  Do not block our neighbors’ driveways or park in front of the cones or in the red.  This is not permitted as we want to respect our neighbors and traffic rules.   Lastly, please do not park in the church parking lot.  This is not permitted for Welby Way parking.   If we can all work together, we can ensure our students arrive and go home safely.  I truly thank you for your attention to this.  

Back to School Night: Be sure to mark your calendar and I look forward to seeing you all at Back to School Night on Tuesday, Aug. 27th.  TK - 2nd grade (along with all of Mrs. Citron's class) will be from 5:30 - 6:15 pm and 3rd - 5th grade will be from 6:20 - 7:00 pm.  All families will enter through the front gate.  Please remember this evening is only for parents/guardians to learn about your child's instructional program.  Children are not to attend and childcare is not provided.  Thank you for your understanding with this.   

Upcoming POWW Events:

Tuesday, August 28 - First Restaurant Night - Handel's Ice Cream, Woodland Hills

Friday, September 6 - Save the Date for First Movie Night - more information to come

Upcoming Calendar Dates:

No School - There will be no School on Friday, Aug. 30th for Admission's Day and Monday, Sept. 2nd for Labor Day.  School will resume on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd with regular Tuesday 1:30 pm dismissal.  

I hope you all have a wonderful remainder of the weekend and evening.  Thank you for the gift of your child and partnership each day and throughout the school year.  I know it is going to be an amazing one.  This is all for now.
