Good evening Welby Way families,
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend as I would like to congratulate some of our Welby Way students. Congratulations to 4th grade student Aarav Parashar for his participation in the Region North Scripps Spelling Bee on Friday. He made it to the final rounds with only 4 other students left with several challenging words against 38 students in all from across the valley. I also want to congratulate our 4 amazing Odyssey of the Mind teams. All 28 students showed creativity, confidence, bravery, and hard work at Saturday’s regional competition in Arcadia. I am excited to share one of teams came in 1st place and 2 teams came in 3rd place and these three teams are moving onto the state competition on March 15th. I am so very proud of our Welby Way students and all they have accomplished with even more to come.
This Week:
Monday: On Monday morning we have our February Honor's Awards Assembly to congratulate our students for their hard work and strong character. If your child is receiving an award you would have received an email from your child's teacher regarding the specific time.
Also, on Monday Ms. Awad is chaperoning a group of 4th grade boys and girls to Pt. Fermin in San Pedro for 3 days and 2 nights for an outdoor and enriching experience. I know they will have an incredible time with many positive memories to share when they return. All participating students will report to the auditorium in the morning when they arrive with their belongings.
Wednesday: On Wednesday evening Mrs. Silverstein and Mrs. Blaine's class will be performing their Vacation to Mars performance in the auditorium at 6:30 pm. Doors will open just prior to the start of the show and all family members are welcome. Students need to report to their classroom no later than 6:00 pm. I know the students are going to do an amazing job.
Friday: On Friday we have our next Spirit Day with Sports Day. Students are encouraged to wear shirts, hats, scarves, or any other school appropriate sports attire for the day. The classes with the most spirit will be announced at the end of the school day.
Future Dates:
Read Across America: Next week we celebrate the importance of literacy with the joy of reading for Read Across America. To kick off the week join the Welby Way staff on Sunday, March 2nd at Open Book in The Village where various staff members will be reading throughout the day. All are welcome and more details to come with the specific times. Daily activities for each day next week to celebrate reading is on attached flyers.
No School: In honor of Cesar Chavez, there will be no school on Monday, March 31st.
I hope you all have a wonderful remainder of the weekend and evening. I truly thank you for your partnership and the gift of your child. This is all for now.
Your Welby Way Principal,
Mrs. DaCorsi