Good evening Welby Way families,
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend as many of our Welby Way students have been busy this weekend with Math Olympiad and Odyssey of the Mind. Two of our Math Olympiad students Stuti and Debasmita won a silver award and Odyssey of the Mind students worked extra hard with one of our teams moving onto the Worlds Competition. I am so proud of the determination and hard work of all our Welby Way teams and students.
This Week:
POWW Spirit Wear - Tomorrow at midnight is the last chance to order your new Welby Way gear for the spring with so many fun options to select from. Don't miss out on your order. Please see the attached flyer for options and ordering directions or go to
March Governance/LSLC - All are welcome for March's Governance/Local School Leadership Council meeting on Monday at 3:00 pm via zoom. We will be discussing our recent charter lottery and upcoming LCAP - Local Charter Accountabilty Plan. The zoom link is below along with the agenda attached.
Annual School Experience Survey: Please take a few minutes to complete the Annual School Experience Survey using the following link: This information is used for compliance, planning for the following school year, and allows us to know what we are doing well and any areas of need. Thank you for your time and input. Only one survey per family is requested and all students whose family submits the confirmation form to your classroom teacher via email or paper will receive a special "Bedazzle" for an ice cream party.
No Karate or FocusFish Theater after school this week.
THANK YOU - Thank you to the many families who donated items for the 5th grade Legacy Project as they will be assembling their kits this upcoming weekend to help support those in need or unhoused. Your kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated.
Region North STEAM Fest: Come out with your family on Saturday, April 5th to the Discovery Cube to join Welby Way and many schools across the valley for a day of learning and fun for free for the Region North STEAMFest. Please see the attached flyer for more details and register using the link below. We hope to see you there.
Registration Link on Flyer:
Future Dates:
No School: In honor of Cesar Chavez, there will be no school on Monday, March 31st.
Spring Break: There will be no school for Spring Break on Monday, April 14th - 18th with school resuming on the 21st.
I hope you all have a wonderful remainder of the weekend and evening. I truly thank you for your partnership and the gift of your child. This is all for now.
Your Welby Way Principal,
Mrs. DaCorsi